What To Do When a Tooth is Knocked Out: Easy First Aid Tips

what to do when a tooth is knocked out | kids dentist in mohali

A knocked out tooth is a tooth that has avulsed i.e. fallen from the socket due to an injury. Individuals who have knocked out teeth require emergency dental care.

And our Clinic 32 Sparklets Dental Implant & Root Canal Center, Mohali is equipped with handling these kind of emergencies.

If a child is more than 6 years old, the knocked out tooth most probably will be permanent. The permanent adult tooth can often be saved if the first aid procedure is done carefully. The delicate tissues that cover the root must be protected to successfully prevent infection.

If the child is 4 to 5 years old or less than that, they have primary teeth. It is not necessary to get treatment, but it is good to go for a dental examination as soon as possible.

To book an appointment with us please call at +919501015088 or +919646805088.

Understanding Tooth Avulsion

The avulsed tooth happens when the tooth is completely dislodged from the socket. An avulsed tooth is a kind of dental emergency and requires necessary treatment.